Tuesday, February 14, 2023

One reason of "Error response from daemon: Container {id} is not running" error with mongo docker container

In this post I will write about one possible problem which you may face with when try to run MongoDB docker container. Env used in this article: docker installed on Ubuntu running on WSL2 on Windows 11.

Let's start from beginning. If we want to run MongoDB docker container we first need to download it:

docker pull mongo

If everything went well you should see something like that:

Then we may want to run it with ports forwarding (MongoDB by default uses port 27017). At first I tried to do it like that:

docker run -d --name mongo-test mongo:latest -p 27017:27017

It didn't return errors and just echoed container id:

But when I tried to connect to container with bash

docker exec -it mongo-test bash

it failed with the following error:

Error response from daemon: Container {id} is not running

Checking the docker logs for mongo-test container helped to found the reason:

docker logs mongo-test

 Error parsing command line: unrecognised option '-p'

The problem was that port forwarding option was specified at the end while according to documentation of docker run command it should be specified before image name:

When I changed the command like that:

docker run -d -p 27017:27017 --name mongo-test mongo:latest

container successfully ran and I was able to connect to it via bash:

So it is important to check options order when you run docker container. Although there are no error messages it won't work as expected otherwise.

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