Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Slow VMWare Player after upgrade to Windows 11

Recently my Windows 10 PC was upgraded to Windows 11. One problem which I noticed after that was slowness of VMWare Player on Windows 11 comparing with Windows 10. There are several posts about similar problem which may be found in internet - almost all of them suggest few things: turn off Hyper-V Windows feature, run command "bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off", disable memory integrity in Windows Security > Device Security > Core Isolation details. I tried them but it didn't help.

I also tried to update to the latest VMWare Player 17 which according to it's description fully supports Windows 11 as host operating system. That didn't help either.

Also some posts suggested obvious things like increasing memory and CPU. I tried to increase memory a bit (virtual machine already had 16Gb RAM and 8 processor cores which should be enough. Remember that on Windows 10 it worked very fast) without success.

Then I tried opposite thing: reduce number of processor cores from 8 to 4:

and surprisingly it helped! VMWare Player became fast again. This solution may look non logical but may help someone so I decided to share it.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Camlex and Camlex.Client 5.4.1 released

I'm glad to announce that today new version 5.4.1 of Camlex/Camlex.Client libraries were released. This is minor release which contains fix for reverse engineering of binary operations (Geq, Gt, Leq, Lt) for text values. Reverse engineering is used in free online service where Sharepoint developers which are new to Camlex can automatically convert classic CAML query to C# syntax for Camlex. Thus it will simplify migration of existing code to Camlex.

Credits for this release go to Ivan Russo which contributed to Camlex (thanks a lot Ivan). If you are Sharepoint developer and have idea how to improve Camlex feel free to create PR :).