Saturday, November 18, 2023

Use Obfuscar for obfuscating ASP.Net Core web apps

Obfuscar is free and open source code obfuscation library for .NET. However if you want to use it in web app (ASP.Net Core) it is not that straightforward. First of all you should be ready that Obfuscar may break many things in runtime quite easily. I.e. project will be still compiled successfully but when you will try to run it may get unclear errors. Second - in web apps it is even more tricky to use Obfuscar comparing e.g. with console apps or dll class libraries. In this post I will describe some findings which may help you for using Obfuscar in ASP.Net Core web app.

For using Obfuscar you need to have xml config file. Here is obfuscar.xml file which can be used for obfuscating ASP.Net Core web app (below I will describe it in more details):

<?xml version='1.0'?>
  <Var name="InPath" value="..." />
  <Var name="OutPath" value="..." />
  <!-- don't obfuscate Public classes and methods to avoid runtime exceptions -->
  <Var name="KeepPublicApi" value="true" />
  <Var name="HidePrivateApi" value="true" />

  <!-- Additional search path for ASP.Net Core dlls (to avoid) depending on currently used .NET version -->
  <AssemblySearchPath path="C:\Program Files\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.AspNetCore.App.Ref\6.0.25\ref\net6.0" />

  <Module file="$(InPath)\MyWebApp.dll">
    <!-- don't obfuscate anonymous types to have less problems when pass objects from server side to client side (e.g. in json format) -->
    <SkipType name="*AnonymousType*" skipProperties="true" skipMethods="true" skipFields="true" skipEvents="true" skipStringHiding="true" />
    <!-- don't obfuscate classes generated from cshtml to avoid runtime exceptions -->
    <SkipNamespace name="AspNetCoreGeneratedDocument" />
    <!-- don't obfuscate middlewares to avoid runtime exceptions -->
    <SkipNamespace name="MyWebApp.Middleware" />

First of all we need to use default Obfuscar behavior when public classes and methods are not changed and only private (and internal) classes/methods are obfuscated:

  <!-- don't obfuscate public classes and methods to avoid runtime exceptions -->
  <Var name="KeepPublicApi" value="true" />
  <Var name="HidePrivateApi" value="true" />

Otherwise runtime exceptions will occur.

Second - we need to add additional search path where Obfuscar will search for references ASP.Net Core assemblies:

  <!-- Additional search path for ASP.Net Core dlls (to avoid) depending on currently used .NET version -->
  <AssemblySearchPath path="C:\Program Files\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.AspNetCore.App.Ref\6.0.25\ref\net6.0" />

Without that we will get "Unable to resolve dependency Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor" error during obfuscation. This path depends on actual .NET version which you use in the project. In above example I used .NET 6.0.25:

(I will write separate blog post how to get this .NET version automatically instead of hard coding it in obfuscar.xml)

Third - we need to specify our dll module with few rules:

  <Module file="$(InPath)\MyWebApp.dll">
    <!-- don't obfuscate anonymous types to have less problems -->
    <SkipType name="*AnonymousType*" skipProperties="true" skipMethods="true" skipFields="true" skipEvents="true" skipStringHiding="true" />
    <!-- don't obfuscate classes generated from cshtml to avoid runtime exceptions -->
    <SkipNamespace name="AspNetCoreGeneratedDocument" />
    <!-- don't obfuscate middlewares to avoid runtime exceptions -->
    <SkipNamespace name="MyWebApp.Middleware" />

1. For skipping obfuscation of anonymous types (e.g. if you have controller action which returns JsonResult and returns object of anonymous type from there (which is quite common practice) it will stop working because properties names of returned object will be changed by Obfuscar and since your client side (javascript) scripts will still expect the same properties names in received json object which you specified in C# code they will stop working).

2. For skipping obfuscation of classes from AspNetCoreGeneratedDocument namespace. If you use Razor view engine and cshtml files for views compiler will generate view classes for these cshtml files under the hood. These classes by default have AspNetCoreGeneratedDocument namespace. Obfuscation of these classes also should be skipped because otherwise you will just get empty browser window.

3. For skipping obfuscation of middlewares - otherwise will get runtime exceptions because middleware classes should have predefined public method (async Task Invoke(HttpContext context)). This is needed only if middlewares are defined as internal classes.

With this config basic ASP.Net Core web app should work. Of course I could forgot something or didn't find it yet - in this case will update this post. Also there may be other things which may be needed. If you know them please share in comments.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Bind complex view model objects in ASP.Net Core using ComplexObjectModelBinder

The way how view model objects are bound has been changed in ASP.Net Core. Now we need to create custom model binder class which inherits IModelBinder interface and implement binding logic there (in ASP.Net Core there is no DefaultModelBinder base class anymore which we may inherit in custom binders). However for most cases binding logic itself will be the same still - only custom logic will differ (like validation specific to view model class). Instead of implementing this binding logic for each view model class by ourselves we may use builtin ComplexObjectModelBinder which will do actual work for us. In this post I will show how to do that.

Let's say we have RequestModel view model class which can be used for asking contact information (name, email, phone):

public class RequestModel
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Email { get; set; }
    public string Phone { get; set; }

For binding this model we need to implement some infrastructural classes. First of all we need custom model binder provider which inherits IModelBinderProvider. But instead of creating own binder provider for each view model class let's create generic ComplexModelBinderProvider class which can be used with any view model:

public class ComplexModelBinderProvider<TModel, TBinder> : IModelBinderProvider
    private ComplexObjectModelBinderProvider complexObjectBinderProvider;

    public ComplexModelBinderProvider(ComplexObjectModelBinderProvider complexObjectBinderProvider)
        this.complexObjectBinderProvider = complexObjectBinderProvider;

    public IModelBinder GetBinder(ModelBinderProviderContext context)
        if (context.Metadata.ModelType == typeof(TModel))
            return (IModelBinder)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(TBinder),
                new object[] { complexObjectBinderProvider.GetBinder(context) });
        return null;

It use 2 generic types: one for view model class (TModel) and another for its model binder which will be used for binding objects of TModel. Note that when it creates model binder it passes instance of ComplexObjectModelBinder to constructor (complexObjectBinderProvider.GetBinder(context)).

We also need custom model binder class RequestModelBinder for our view model - but instead of implementing binding logic there we will just call ComplexObjectModelBinder which was injected in constructor and which will do all complex work (get values from form values, query string params, etc):

public class RequestModelBinder : IModelBinder
    protected IModelBinder complexObjectBinder;
    public RequestModelBinder(IModelBinder complexObjectBinder)
	    this.complexObjectBinder = complexObjectBinder;

    public async Task BindModelAsync(ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
        var model = new RequestModel();
        bindingContext.Model = model;
        await this.complexObjectBinder.BindModelAsync(bindingContext);
		// add custom logic there if needed

Now we just need to link all of that together in Program.cs:

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
    o =>
        var complexObjectBinderProvider = o.ModelBinderProviders.First(p => p is ComplexObjectModelBinderProvider) as ComplexObjectModelBinderProvider;
        o.ModelBinderProviders.Insert(0, new ComplexModelBinderProvider<RequestModel, RequestModelBinder>(complexObjectBinderProvider));
        // add more ComplexModelBinderProvider instances for other view models

Here we added our generic ComplexModelBinderProvider for RequestModel view model which during binding will create instance of RequestModelBinder which in turn will bind model by delegating work to ComplexObjectModelBinder. The more view models we have in the code the more advantages this approach will bring since we will just reuse the same binding logic for all models.