Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Get functions invocations list for continuous Azure web job via REST API

This post is continuation of series of articles about continuous Azure web jobs. You may find previous articles about continuous web jobs here:

In this post I will show how to get list of functions' invocations for continuous web job via REST API.

As you probably know (and as it was shown in one of above articles) when you work with continuous web job we need to implement function which will be triggered e.g. using Azure queue trigger. Log which is shown in Azure portal looks bit different for continuous web jobs comparing with timer triggered web jobs: every time when this handler function got triggered new invocation is added to the log. It contains details of this particular function's invocation:

In order to get this list of functions' invocations programmatically we may use WebJobs REST API and more specifically the following endpoint:


Response will look like that:

    "entries": [{
            "executingJobRunId": null,
            "id": "0399f7d5-a7aa-43c9-8853-70886174fda3",
            "functionId": null,
            "functionName": null,
            "functionFullName": null,
            "functionDisplayTitle": "ProcessQueueMessage (5540, )",
            "status": "CompletedSuccess",
            "whenUtc": "2022-05-03T12:12:05.3054119Z",
            "duration": 101650.2167,
            "exceptionMessage": null,
            "exceptionType": null,
            "hostInstanceId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
            "instanceQueueName": null
        }, {
            "executingJobRunId": null,
            "id": "d581d6fa-8ba0-4c4d-ad39-c8505d21b851",
            "functionId": null,
            "functionName": null,
            "functionFullName": null,
            "functionDisplayTitle": "ProcessQueueMessage (5539, )",
            "status": "CompletedSuccess",
            "whenUtc": "2022-05-03T12:12:04.4842786Z",
            "duration": 100893.4565,
            "exceptionMessage": null,
            "exceptionType": null,
            "hostInstanceId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
            "instanceQueueName": null
    "continuationToken": null,
    "isOldHost": false

It contains array of objects which represent invocation details. Id property contains actual invocationId which may be used e.g. for getting invocation log by the following url:


Property functionDisplayTitle contains name of invocation together with passed parameter. It may hep if you need to map input parameters with invocation log. Also pay attention on continuationToken - if there are many invocations (more than passed in limit query string parameter) it will contain continuation token using which you may get whole list of invocations by pages.

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