Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Problem with SPO app bar and Teams custom app with static tabs

If you use staticTabs in your custom MS Teams app (see Manifest schema for Microsoft Teams):

  "$schema": "",
  "manifestVersion": "1.5",
  "staticTabs": [
      "entityId": "Foo",
      "name": "Bar",
      "contentUrl": "...",
      "websiteUrl": "",
      "scopes": [

you may face with the following issue: when user clicks on app icon it correctly opens web page defined in staticsTabs. But if user clicks on that second time after web page has been loaded then SPO app bar callout will be shown with My sites/My news.

In order to fix it the following workaround can be used: identify that app on opened web page is running inside Teams (this article contains details how to do that: How to identify whether SPFx web part is running in web browser or in Teams client) and hide SPO app bar callouts via css in this case. This is how it can be done via TypeScript (for this example we assume that app is SPFx web part running on SPO page):

if (isAppRunningInsideTeams()) {
  const style = document.createElement("style");
  style.textContent = "#sp-appBar-callout { display:none !important; } ";
  const head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];

It will hide callouts only inside Teams where this problem happens and at the same time it will still work in SPO.

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