Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Get Azure AD groups images from Graph API using delegated permissions

In order to get Azure AD group image you need to use the following Graph API endpoint:

GET /groups/{id}/photo/$value

If you checked my previous blog post Why you should be careful with /groups/{id}/photo and /users/{id}/photo endpoints in MS Graph or unintentional getting photos of big sizes in Graph then you probably know that it is better to specify group size in endpoint – otherwise you will get biggest available high resolution image for the group. E.g. this is how you may get image with 64x64 px size:

GET /groups/{id}/photos/64x64//$value

However there is another problem with fetching groups images from Graph API which you have to care about: it should be done using delegated permissions. I.e. it is not possible to retrieve AAD groups images from Graph API using application permissions (at least on the moment of writing this blog post).

If you use Graph client library for C# you first need to create GraphServiceClient object and provide instance of class which implements IAuthenticationProvider interface and contains logic for authenticating requests using delegated permissions (via username and password). Here is how it may look like:

public class AzureAuthenticationProviderDelegatedPermissions : IAuthenticationProvider
 public async Task AuthenticateRequestAsync(HttpRequestMessage request)
  var delegatedAccessToken = await GetGraphAccessTokenForDelegatedPermissionsAsync();

  request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + delegatedAccessToken);

 public async Task<string> GetGraphAccessTokenForDelegatedPermissionsAsync()
  string clientId = ...
  string userName = ...
  string password = ...
  string tenant = ...
  var creds = new UserPasswordCredential(userName, password);
  var authContext = new AuthenticationContext(string.Format("https://login.microsoftonline.com/{0}", tenant));
  var authResult = await authContext.AcquireTokenAsync("https://graph.microsoft.com", clientId, creds);
  return authResult.AccessToken;

var graphClientDelegated = new GraphServiceClient(new AzureAuthenticationProviderDelegatedPermissions());

After that we may fetch group image from Graph API like that:

                var stream = Task.Run(async () =>
                    var photo = await graphClient.Groups[groupId].Photos["64x64"].Content.Request().GetAsync();
                    return photo;


Actual user account which is used for fetching groups images doesn’t need any special permissions: it may be regular user account without any admin rights.


  1. Hey, thanks a lot! I'm wondering how to scale user photos. If I try to use:

    await graphClient.Users[userId].Photo["64x64"].Content.Request().GetAsync()

    it says "Cannot apply indexing...".

    1. It is: "await graphClient.Users[userId].Photos["64x64"].Content.Request().GetAsync()"

      Photos instead of Photo...
