During provisioning to Sharepoint Online we usually try to automate as much actions as possible. One of such actions is creation of managed metadata hierarchy (Group > Term sets > Terms). In on-premise installation with full access to the basic object model this is straightforward process nowdays, but in Sharepoint Online we need to use client object model instead. Before to start you should ensure that account under which code will run is added to Term store administrators group (in order to check it on the root site of your site collection go to Site settings > Term store management). Also we will need xml file with initial managed metadata hierarchy in the following format:
1: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
2: <Group Name="MyGroup" Id="{C16C65EA-446B-45F3-B232-FA4212C8E621}">
3: <TermSet Name="TermSet1" Id="{D4ABDBD7-9E60-4493-9A09-F90AB06B812E}">
4: <Term Name="Item11" />
5: <Term Name="Item12" />
6: <Term Name="Item13" />
7: </TermSet>
8: <TermSet Name="TermSet2" Id="{30BE6983-F40C-4D96-8413-10BDB920D31B}">
9: <Term Name="Item21" />
10: <Term Name="Item22" />
11: <Term Name="Item23" />
12: </TermSet>
13: <TermSet Name="TermSet3" Id="{AD589539-8875-4E8E-BAAE-C0223E3B0124}">
14: <Term Name="Item31">
15: <Term Name="SubItem1" />
16: <Term Name="SubItem2" />
17: <Term Name="SubItem3" />
18: </Term>
19: <Term Name="Item32" />
20: <Term Name="Item33" />
21: </TermSet>
22: </Group>
As shown in the example above ids for groups and term sets are explicitly specified. They will be needed for binding managed metadata fields – I will write about it in another article. Also in this example only 2 levels of nested terms are shown, but you may use any nesting level, just ensure that xml if formatted correctly.
PowerShell script which creates taxonomy hierarchy from the xml file in the local site collection term store is shown below:
1: function Create-Term($ctx, $parent, $termXml, $lcid)
2: {
3: Write-Host "Create term" $termXml.Name -foregroundcolor green
4: $term = $parent.CreateTerm($termXml.Name, $lcid, [System.Guid]::NewGuid())
5: $ctx.ExecuteQuery()
7: if ($termXml.Term)
8: {
9: $termXml.Term | ForEach-Object { Create-Term $ctx $term $_ $lcid }
10: }
11: }
13: function Create-TermSet($ctx, $group, $termSetXml, $lcid)
14: {
15: Write-Host "Creating term set" $termSetXml.Name -foregroundcolor Green
16: $termSet = $group.CreateTermSet($termSetXml.Name, $termSetXml.Id, $lcid)
17: $ctx.ExecuteQuery()
19: $termSetXml.Term | ForEach-Object { Create-Term $ctx $termSet $_ $lcid }
20: }
22: function Get-TermStore($ctx)
23: {
24: Write-Host "Loading taxonomy session" -foregroundcolor Green
25: $session =
26: [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Taxonomy.TaxonomySession]::GetTaxonomySession($ctx)
27: $session.UpdateCache();
28: $ctx.Load($session)
29: $ctx.ExecuteQuery()
31: Write-Host "Loading term stores" -foregroundcolor Green
32: $termStores = $session.TermStores
33: $ctx.Load($termStores)
34: $ctx.ExecuteQuery()
35: $termStore = $termStores[0]
36: $ctx.Load($termStore)
37: Write-Host "Term store with the following id is loaded:" $termStore.Id
38: -foregroundcolor Green
39: return $termStore
40: }
42: function Provision-TermSets($ctx, $xmlFilePath)
43: {
44: Write-Host "Load term sets from xml" -foregroundcolor Green
45: [xml]$xmlContent = (Get-Content $xmlFilePath)
46: if (-not $xmlContent)
47: {
48: Write-Host "Xml was not loaded successfully. Term sets won't be created"
49: -foregroundcolor Red
50: return
51: }
53: $termStore = Get-TermStore $ctx
55: Write-Host "Creating group" $xmlContent.Id -foregroundcolor Green
56: $groups = $termStore.Groups
57: $ctx.Load($groups)
58: $ctx.ExecuteQuery()
60: $group = $groups | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $xmlContent.Group.Name}
61: if ($group)
62: {
63: Write-Host "Group" $xmlContent.Group.Name "already exists"
64: -foregroundcolor Yellow
65: return
66: }
68: $group = $termStore.CreateGroup($xmlContent.Group.Name, $xmlContent.Group.Id)
69: $ctx.ExecuteQuery()
70: $xmlContent.Group.TermSet | ForEach-Object {
71: Create-TermSet $ctx $group $_ $termStore.DefaultLanguage }
72: }
It is quite self-descriptive: at first it creates group, then for each term set xml tag creates appropriate term set and then terms with sub terms. Function Provision-TermSets is called this way:
1: $ctx = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext("http://example.com")
2: $ctx.AuthenticationMode =
3: [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientAuthenticationMode]::Default
4: $securePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString "password" -AsPlainText -Force
5: $credentials =
6: New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.SharePointOnlineCredentials(
7: "username", $securePassword)
8: $ctx.Credentials = $credentials
10: Provision-TermSets $ctx "c:/temp/termsets.xml"
After executing go to Site settings > Term store management and check that your managed metadata hierarchy is successfully created.
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