Monday, November 22, 2021

Strange problem with remote event receivers not firing in Sharepoint Online sites which urls/titles ends with digits

Some time ago I wrote about Sharepoint Online remote event receivers (RERs) and how to use Azure functions with them: Use Azure function as remote event receiver for Sharepoint Online list and debug it locally with ngrok. When I tested RERs on another SPO sites I've faced with very strange problem: on those sites which urls/titles end with digits remote event receivers were not fired. E.g. I often create modern Team/Communication sites with datetime stamp at the end:


I noticed that on such sites RER was not called because of some reason. I've used the same PowerShell script for attaching RER to SPO site as described in above article and the same Azure function app running locally with the same ports and ngrok tunneling.

After I created site without digits at the end (https://{tenant} - RER started to work (without restarting AF or ngrok - i.e. I used the same running instances of AF/ngrok for all tests which ran all the time). Didn't find any explanation of this problem so far. If you faced with this issue and know the reason please share it.

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