Some time ago I wrote how to remove Azure web jobs using AzureRM PowerShell module: How to remove Azure web job via Azure RM PowerShell. However since that time AzureRM was discontinued. MS recommended to switch to new Az module instead. The problem that if you will follow AzureRM migration guide then the same code won't work anymore. The main problem is that new Get-AzResource cmdlet doesn't return resources with type microsoft.web/sites/triggeredwebjobs (although it still returns other Azure resources like App services, Azure functions, Storage accounts, KeyVaults, SSL certificates). It means that you also can't use Remove-AzResource cmdlet because there won't be resource name which you may pass there. For now I submitted issue to Azure Powershell github about that: Get-AzResource doesn't return web jobs. But let's see how we may workaround that until MS will fix it.
There is another open issue in Azure PowerShell github ARM :: WebApp Web Job Cmdlets which reports about lack of cmdlets for managing web jobs. It was created in 2015 and is still opened. One suggestion there is to use az cli tool. However it is not always possible (e.g. if you run your PowerShell in runbook or can't add this dependency to your script).
Fortunately there is KUDU Web Job REST API which may be utilized for this purpos. In order to list available web jobs we may use the following code:
1 2 3 4 | $token = Get -AzAccessToken
$headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $($token.Token)" }
$userAgent = "powershell/1.0"
Invoke -RestMethod -Uri "https://{appServiceName}" -Headers $headers -UserAgent $userAgent -Method GET |
It will return list of all existing (in our example triggered) web jobs in specific App service. In order to delete web job we need to send HTTP DELETE request to web job's endpoint:
1 2 | $token = Get -AzAccessToken
Invoke -RestMethod -Uri "https://{appServiceName}{webjobName}" -Headers $headers -UserAgent $userAgent -Method DELETE |
There are other commands as well (like run job, list running history and others). You may check them in REST API documentation using link posted above.