Friday, October 11, 2019

Problem with creating new content database for web application in Sharepoint and Full recovery mode

If you want to create new content database for web application using New-SPContentDatabase cmdlet you should be aware of one side effect related with this action: new content database will be created with Full recovery mode by default even if your basic content database has Simple recovery mode:

With Full recovery mode transaction log will grow quite fast until you will do full backup. It may be significant consideration for large content databases. So before to start using it you may want to change recovery mode of additional content database to Simple. If you moved existing site collection there using Move-SPSite – transaction log already may be quite big. So after changing recovery mode you may also need to shrink log file.

Friday, October 4, 2019

How to test and debug Timer triggered Azure functions running locally on localhost

With Azure function project type we may create many types of Azure functions. One of them is Timer triggered Azure function which is triggered by scheduler (CRON expression is specified during function creation and may be modified later in Azure function attribute):

When you will run this function locally (on locahost) you will notice thatt it won’t be listed under


address together with Http triggered Azure function. Runtime will call your function automatically when schedule time will come. But this is not very convenient since during development you would probably like to have possibility to call it synchronously on demand.

In order to call Timer triggered Azure function you may use Postman tool. You have to construct URL little bit different from Http triggered functions: instead of /api you should send POST request to http://localhost:7071/admin/functions/* base url and send the following request body:

    "input": ""

Using this technique you may debug your Timer triggered Azure functions synchronously.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Different nuget packages of Camlex.Client library for different Sharepoint versions

There is excited news for those Sharepoint developers which use Camlex in their work: now Camlex.Client library (Camlex version for CSOM) is available for each Sharepoint version as separate nuget package:

Sharepoint versionNuget package
2013 on-prem Camlex.Client.2013
2016 on-prem Camlex.Client.2016
2019 on-prem Camlex.Client.2019
SPO Camlex.Client.dll

Before it was only Sharepoint Online version Camlex.Client.dll (see here). May be it is more logical to call it package for SPO version Camlex.Client.Online but since this package exists quite a long time I left it to keep backward compatibility.

So now for targeting correct Sharepoint version you may just add appropriate nuget package to your project and work with it. Each package contains Camlex.Client.dll assembly which is compiled using appropriate versions of CSOM (Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll and Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Runtime.dll). This approach is similar to those which is used e.g. in OfficeDevPnP which uses different nuget packages for each Sharepoint version.

This feature is well wished feature and was requested many times so probably many developers will find it useful. The only reason which prevented me to do it earlier is that it will increase maintenance time and as I’m the only developer who maintains the project it is quite significant. But now time has come and now with each new release all 4 nuget packages for Camlex.Client will be updated.