Friday, September 20, 2019

Fix The EntityContainer name must be unique EF error in Sharepoint

If you use Entity Framework in Sharepoint (I described one useful technique which simplifies usage of EF in Sharepoint in this article: Build connection string for Entity Framework programmatically via code or use Entity Framework in Sharepoint Timer jobs) you may face with the following error:

The EntityContainer name must be unique. An EntityContainer with the name '…' is already defined

Although in your project (class library which you install to GAC for using it in Sharepoint) there is single entity container with specified name.

The problem is that entity container name appears to be unique within project boundaries. I.e. if you have another project which is compiled and installed to the GAC and loaded to the same app domain and which uses the same metadata for Entity Framework data model like:


and then install another assembly to the GAC with the same EF data model metadata – you will get the above error when second project will be loaded to Sharepoint site’s app domain. This is not that obvious that you have to use unique name for EF entity containers across all assemblies used in Sharepoint. Solution for this problem is to rename EF data model in second project so it will have unique name:


After that your code will start working in Shrepoint.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Use Office 365 connected groups in Yammer

Yammer platform allows you to integrate your Yammer groups to Office 365. Technically it means that each time when new Yammer group will be created it will be also created in Azure AD of the tenant of this Yammer network. More information about Yammer and O365 groups can be found in this article: Yammer and Office 365 Groups. This article also contains information how to enable Office 365 connected groups in Yammer and which conditions should be met before you will be able to enable it:

  • You must enforce Office 365 identity for Yammer users. When you first enforce Office 365 identity there is a seven-day trial period, after which the Status of your Office 365 Identity Enforcement changes to Committed.
  • Your Yammer network must be in a 1:1 network configuration. This means you have one Yammer network that is associated with one Office 365 tenant.

Note that currently it is possible to enforce Office 365 identity for Yammer users without 7 days trial i.e. right away.

In order to enable Office 365 connected groups in Yammer it you need to login to your Yammer network with administrator account and go to Network settings (gear icon in top left) > Network Admin > Security setting. On this page at first we need to enforce Office 365 identity for Yammer users:

Once it’s status will be changed to Committed after some time “Office 365 Connected Yammer Groups” setting will be changed to Enabled:

Documentation above says that it takes up to 24h to change status to Enabled. But in my case it was changed quite fast: almost immediately after enforcing of Office 365 identity for Yammer users.

Let’s see what happens when “Office 365 Connected Yammer Groups” setting is disabled for your Yammer network. When you create new Yammer group:

this group won’t be found in Azure AD of the Yammer network’s tenant:

After Office 365 Connected Yammer Groups have been enabled Yammer groups will appear in Yammer:

So you will be able to use all advantages of O365 connected groups. Note that for those Yammer groups which already exist when O365 connected groups had been enabled also appropriate O365 groups will be created after some time. Documentation says that it may take up to 1 week:

After about 1 week, existing eligible groups will be converted to Office 365 groups.

but for me it also happened quite fast within 1 hour or so.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Camlex 5.1.1 and Camlex.Client 3.2.1 are released

Today I’ve released new versions of Camlex library: Camlex 5.1.1 and Camlex.Client 3.2.1 (for Sharepoint client object model). In these versions reverse engineering support has been added for Includes/NotIncludes operations (support for Includes/NotIncludes operations was added in Camlex 5.1 and Camlex.Client 3.2). This is common practice currently that at first basic feature is released and then reverse engineering support is added into next minor release. Also Camlex Online service was updated with new version.

Primary goal of reverse engineering is to power Camlex Online web site where developers may convert plain CAML query to C# code with Camlex. I.e. it simplifies usage of Camlex for developer who doesn’t familiar with its syntax yet (also there should not be those nowadays Smile ). I.e. you may enter CAML query like:

        <FieldRef Name="Title" />
        <Value Type="Text">Hello</Value>

and it will convert to to the following C# code:

Camlex.Query().Where(x => ((object)(string)x["Title"]).Includes((object)"Hello"))

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Problem with not unique web ids for Sharepoint Online web sites created with Fast Site Collection creation

When you create modern Team or Communication sites which use Fast Site Collection creation (not only from UI but also e.g. using New-PnPUnifiedGroup cmdlet) you may face with unexpected surprise: web id of the root sites (SPWeb.ID) of different site collections created this way may be equal!

Connect-PnPOnline https://{mytenant}
Title             ServerRelativeUrl        Id
-----             -----------------        --
site1             /sites/site1             {guid1}
Connect-PnPOnline https://{mytenant}
Title             ServerRelativeUrl        Id
-----             -----------------        --
site2             /sites/site2             {guid1}

This may be crucial if you have custom features which depend on web id. At the same time site collection ids appears to be different (SPSite.ID). Which means that if you have custom feature which identifies sites by SPWeb.ID only it will be safer to modify it so it will use pair (SPSite.ID, SPWeb.ID) to identify sites.