If you need to force ItemUpdating/ItemUpdated events in all event receivers attached to Sharepoint list you may go through each item one by one, click Edit item and then click Save. However if there are many list items it is better to use PowerShell script which will force these events for all list items one by one:
In this script we iterate trough all list items in the list and call SPListItem.Update() method. In turn it forces attached event receivers to generate ItemUpdating and ItemUpdated events. After each update we wait 5 seconds to make sure event receivers finish previous event before to handle next one. If this is not needed for your scenario or if event receivers work faster you may comment or decrease number of seconds to wait.
Sometimes we need to enumerate all event receivers attached to specific Sharepoint list. The simplest way to do that is to use PowerShell. The following PowerShell script shows all event receivers attached to specified list:
In Sharepoint you may create discussion board lists where users may create new discussion threads. When somebody writes reply into particular discussion author of this discussion receives email notification. In this post I will write about internal mechanism of these reply emails i.e. how they are implemented internally.
We may expect that reply notification emails in discussion boards are implemented via standard Sharepoint email alerts. However this is not the case. If you will check alerts list of parent web of discussion board list you will see that it will be empty (or it may contain alerts created in different list. Also it may contain alerts for discussion board but this is different story – I will write more about it below):
I.e. authors of discussion board will still get email notifications on replies even when there are no alerts in the web. It mean that these reply emails are implemented via some different mechanism. Also it means that it is not possible to edit template of these emails by modifying Sharepoint alert templates. Users may still use OTB Sharepoint alerts and subscribe themselves to events in discussion board list: by clicking three dots near discussion thread subject and selecting Alert me link:
In this case real alert will be created and web.Alerts collection will contain it. This alert will be customizable i.e. it will be possible to modify it’s template by editing discussion board alert template. However still it will be different alert from reply notification email: if author of discussion will subscribe him or herself on discussion board event this way then author will get 2 alerts – one as reply notification and another as OTB alert.
So how reply email notifications are implemented then? If it is not OTB alert it may be implemented rather via workflow or via event receiver. If we will check list of workflows for discussion board we will see that it is empty. So only event receivers remain. Let’s try to execute the following PowerShell script which lists all event receivers for specified list:
DiscussionListEventReceiver basically updates LastReplyBy field of the parent discussion board and doesn’t do other actions. So let’s check CommunityEventReceiver. If we will check it’s code via decompiler we will see that in all post event handler methods (ItemAdded, ItemUpdated, ItemDeleted) it calls internal method HandleEvent which in turn calls EventCache.Instance.HandleChange() method:
(There are also pre events ItemAdding, ItemUpdating, ItemDeleting but they are not relevant to this post). Let’s now see what happens inside EventCache.Instance.HandleChange. Among with other actions it iterates through internal handlers collection and calls HandleEvent method for each handler in this collection:
So there are quite many handlers which implement different features of community sites (reputations, membership, bages, etc). One of them is CommunityNotificationsEventHandler – this is exact handler which sends email notification on reply from discussion board:
So as you can see reply emails in discussion boards are implemented via event handlers. At the end let’s also mention that it is possible to disable reply emails in discussion board – but it will also disable other community features like ratings (i.e. users won’t be able to like replies). In order to do that go to discussion board list settings > Rating settings and set “Allow items in this list to be rated” to No:
It will call internal method ReputationHelper.DisableReputation() which will remove CommunityEventReceiver from discussion board: