Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Make SocialCommentWebPart read only dynamically in Sharepoint

SocialCommentWebPart is one of the new features of Sharepoint 2010 which allows users add comments to the pages where this web part is added. This web part makes Sharepoint site more social and increases users communication level. One of the common requirement with this type of functionality is that not all users should be able to leave their comments on site. For example, you can decide that only registered users should be able to leave comments (in case of self-service system), or you can use membership in particular groups in order to grant possibility to leave comments for users. In both cases you will need to make SocialCommentWebPart read only (i.e. allow users only read comments, not post them) dynamically in run time. There is a property SocialCommentWebPart.WebPartPropertyAllowNewComment, but as all other properties it is assumed to be configured once by content producer (or another user with permissions to edit web parts). This is not our goal. Our goal is to allow some users to post comments, while other users should not have this possibility.

If you will check SocialCommentWebPart in reflector you will notice that all functionality is implemented in separate user control SocialCommentControl. It has property AllowNewComment and SocialCommentWebPart sets this property when add SocialCommentControl into controls collection. This property is what we need. But unfortunately it is internal, so we can’t just set it up in our code. Reflection will help us here. Suppose that we put web part on page layout directly (i.e. it is not added via UI on publishing page, but in last case code will remain the same – the only thing you will need to solve is to retrieve web part Id):

   1: <SPSWC:SocialCommentWebPart 
   2:     runat="server" 
   3:     Title="Comments" 
   4:     AllowEdit="True" 
   5:     AllowConnect="True" 
   6:     ConnectionID="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" 
   7:     IsIncluded="True" 
   8:     Dir="Default" 
   9:     PartImageLarge="" 
  10:     IsVisible="True" 
  11:     AllowMinimize="True" 
  12:     ZoneID="" 
  13:     ID="g_61df80f5_8c13_4355_aeee_a52b497e81c6" 
  14:     FrameState="Normal" 
  15:     ExportMode="All" 
  16:     AllowHide="True" 
  17:     SuppressWebPartChrome="False" 
  18:     DetailLink="" 
  19:     ChromeType="None"
  20:     DescriptionLocId="Null" 
  21:     MissingAssembly="Cannot import this Web Part." 
  22:     PartImageSmall="" 
  23:     AllowRemove="True" 
  24:     HelpMode="Modeless" 
  25:     FrameType="TitleBarOnly" 
  26:     AllowZoneChange="True" 
  27:     PartOrder="1" 
  28:     Description="Enable users to leave short, publicly-viewable notes about this page." 
  29:     HelpLink="" 
  30:     DescriptionLocIdNum="0" 
  31:     ExportControlledProperties="True" 
  32:     IsIncludedFilter="" 
  33:     __MarkupType="vsattributemarkup" 
  34:     __WebPartId="{61df80f5-8c13-4355-aeee-a52b497e81c6}" 
  35:     WebPart="true" 
  36:     Height="" 
  37:     Width="">
  38: </SPSWC:SocialCommentWebPart>

In order to make SocialCommentWebPart read only check the following code which we can add directly into page layout:

   1: <script runat="server" type="text/C#">
   2:     protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
   3:     {
   4:         base.OnLoad(e);
   5:         if (yourOwnLogic())
   6:         {
   7:             SocialCommentControl c =
   8:                 ControlFinder.FindChildControl<SocialCommentControl>(g_61df80f5_8c13_4355_aeee_a52b497e81c6);
   9:             if (c != null)
  10:             {
  11:                 ReflectionHelper.CallMethod(c, "set_AllowNewComment", false);
  12:             }
  13:         }
  14:     }

Function yourOwnLogic() here is any function which you can use in order to determine should current user have possibility to post comments or not (as I said above you can use membership in Sharepoint groups for example). Here we use 2 external components: ControlFinder and ReflectionHelper. They are not complicated. ControlFinder searches for control of specified generic type in controls collection recursively:

   1: public static class ControlFinder
   2: {
   3:     public static T FindChildControl<T>(Control startingControl) where T : Control
   4:     {
   5:         T found = null;
   6:         foreach (Control c in startingControl.Controls)
   7:         {
   8:             found = c as T;
   9:             if (found == null)
  10:             {
  11:                 found = FindChildControl<T>(c);
  12:             }
  13:             if (found != null)
  14:             {
  15:                 break;
  16:             }
  17:         }
  18:         return found;
  19:     }
  20: }

ReflectionHelper is a helper class which can be used if you need to play with internal details of Sharepoint (I understand that it can be necessary in some cases, but don’t make it too much as it non supported way to work with Sharepoint):

   1: public static class ReflectionHelper
   2: {
   3:     public static object CallMethod(object obj, string name, params object[] argv)
   4:     {
   5:         BindingFlags bf = 0 | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic;
   6:         MethodInfo mi = obj.GetType().FindMembers(MemberTypes.Method, bf, Type.FilterName, name)[0] as MethodInfo;
   7:         return mi.Invoke(obj, argv);
   8:     }
  10:     public static object CallStaticMethod(Type t, string name, params object[] argv)
  11:     {
  12:         BindingFlags bf = 0 | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic;
  13:         MethodInfo mi = t.FindMembers(MemberTypes.Method, bf, Type.FilterName, name)[0] as MethodInfo;
  14:         return mi.Invoke(null, argv);
  15:     }
  17:     public static object GetStaticData(Type t, string name)
  18:     {
  19:         BindingFlags bf = 0 | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic;
  20:         FieldInfo fi = t.FindMembers(MemberTypes.Field, bf, Type.FilterName, name)[0] as FieldInfo;
  21:         return fi.GetValue(null);
  22:     }
  23: }

After this SocialCommentWebPart will be read only for users which don’t have necessary permissions, and will allow post comments for users which have such permissions.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

SPGridView with filtering by multiple columns and support of TaxonomyFieldMulti

In this post I would like to share implementation of advanced SPGridView control which has more features comparing with OTB SPGridView. As you probably now SPGridView control can be used in Sharepoint in order to display list-like data. I.e. with its header you can sort item, filter them – and it will work with OTB look and feel. However there is a lack of important features in OTB SPGridView: it supports filtering only by single column. Also if you use SPGridView for displaying some multi values field (e.g. TaxonomyFieldMulti or LookupMulti) – you will need to concatenate all values for single field into one string using some separator (e.g. string.Join(“,”, values)). The disadvantage of this approach is that from SPGridView point of view it will be single string value. As result in filter menu it will be displayed as single string.

Lets consider example: suppose that we have Language taxonomy field which allows multiple values (TaxonomyFieldMulti). It allows you to specify several languages: English, Finnish, Russian, Sweden. Suppose that we selected all of these 4 values for some list item. In our data source we concatenate these values into one string. Now lets see how it will be displayed in OTB SPGridView filter menu:


See that all values are shown as one filtering option. It means that when you will select this option you will get only those items which have absolutely the same value in Language field. Event if Language field of another item has the same set of Language but in different order (e.g. Finnish, English, Russian, Sweden) – it will be treat as different value and another filtering option will appear in menu. Now lets see how it looks like in OTB XsltListViewWebPart:


See that all options are presented as separate filtering option. That is our goal – to add this functionality in OTB SPGridView control.

But lets start with another problem: multi column filter. As I said above OTB SPGridView control supports filtering only by one column. I.e. you can apply filter on several columns simultaneously. This problem was solved by Erik Burger in his great blog post: Building A SPGridView Control – Part 4: Filtering Multiple Columns. Thanks to Erik for sharing his solution. It works successfully both for Sharepoint 2007 and 2010. However it has own problems: currently selected filter value is not shown in the filtering menu like it is shown in OTB SPGridView:


Well we are going to solve this problem as well.

Our solution will consist from 2 parts: server side control – inheritor of OTB SPGridView control and customized javascript aspgridview.js which overrides several functions from OTB spgridview.js. Actually I’m going to use solution from the Erik’s post – just will expand it for mentioned features. So you should definitely check his post first – it contains explanation how it works generally. And after that you can return to my post, because I won’t repeat whole explanation here.

So here is the code of changed SPGridViewProxy:

   1: using System;
   2: using System.Collections.Generic;
   3: using System.Linq;
   4: using System.Text;
   5: using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
   6: using Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls;
   7: using Menu = Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.Menu;
   8: using System.Web.UI;
   9: using System.Reflection;
  10: using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
  12: namespace CustomControls
  13: {
  14:     public class SPGridViewProxy : SPGridView, IPostBackEventHandler
  15:     {
  16:         // Contains names of fields splited by comma which may contain several values.
  17:         // E.g. some Taxonomy fields may have several values (Language = "Finnish,Russian").
  18:         // These fileds will be filtered using LIKE expression instead of "=" operation
  19:         public string MultiValuesFields { get; set; }
  21:         protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs args)
  22:         {
  23:             base.OnLoad(args);
  24:             ScriptLink.Register(this.Page, "Fiskars/scripts/aspgridview.js", false);
  25:         }
  27:         protected override void Render(System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter writer)
  28:         {
  29:             base.Attributes["callbackEventReference"] =
  30:               base.Attributes["callbackEventReference"].Replace("SPGridView_FilterCallbackHandler",
  31:                                                                  "ASPGridView_FilterCallbackHandler");
  33:             MenuItemTemplate t = this.FindControl("SPGridViewFilterMenuTemplate").Controls[3] as MenuItemTemplate;
  34:             t.ClientOnClickScript = t.ClientOnClickScript.Replace("__ClearFilter__", "__ClearFilter__;%FIELDNAME%");
  36:             if (this.HeaderRow != null)
  37:             {
  38:                 foreach (TableCell cell in this.HeaderRow.Cells)
  39:                 {
  40:                     Menu menu = (cell.Controls[0] as Menu);
  41:                     if (menu != null)
  42:                     {
  43:                         menu.ClientOnClickPreMenuOpen =
  44:                           menu.ClientOnClickPreMenuOpen.Replace("SPGridView_FilterPreMenuOpen",
  45:                                                                  "ASPGridView_FilterPreMenuOpen");
  46:                     }
  47:                 }
  48:             }
  50:             base.Render(writer);
  51:         }
  53:         protected new void DoFilterPostBackEventProcessing(string filterData)
  54:         {
  55:             string filterExpression = String.Empty;
  56:             if (filterData.StartsWith("__ClearFilter__"))
  57:             {
  58:                 string[] data = filterData.Split(';');
  59:                 string fieldName = data[1];
  61:                 string oldFilterFieldName = base.Attributes["filterFieldName"];
  62:                 List<string> fieldNames = new List<string>(oldFilterFieldName.Split(';'));
  63:                 fieldNames.Remove(fieldName);
  64:                 base.Attributes["filterFieldName"] = String.Join(";", fieldNames.ToArray());
  66:                 string oldFilterExpression = Convert.ToString(ViewState["FilterExpression"]);
  67:                 string[] filters = oldFilterExpression.Split(new string[] { " AND " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
  68:                 List<string> newFilters = new List<string>();
  69:                 foreach (string filter in filters)
  70:                 {
  71:                     if (!filter.Contains(String.Format("[{0}]", fieldName)))
  72:                     {
  73:                         newFilters.Add(filter);
  74:                     }
  75:                 }
  76:                 filterExpression = String.Join(" AND ", newFilters.ToArray());
  77:             }
  78:             else
  79:             {
  80:                 filterExpression = ExtractFilterExpression(filterData);
  81:             }
  83:             ViewState["FilterExpression"] = filterExpression;
  84:             base.Attributes["filterExpression"] = filterExpression;
  86:             if (filterExpression == null) { return; }
  88:             DataSourceControl control = this.NamingContainer.FindControl(this.DataSourceID) as DataSourceControl;
  89:             PropertyInfo pi = control.GetType().GetProperty("FilterExpression");
  90:             pi.SetValue(control, filterExpression, null);
  92:             base.RequiresDataBinding = true;
  93:         }
  95:         private string ExtractFilterExpression(string filterData)
  96:         {
  97:             string[] data = filterData.Split(';');
  98:             string fieldName = data[0];
  99:             if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldName))
 100:             {
 101:                 return null;
 102:             }
 104:             string oldFilterFieldName = base.Attributes["filterFieldName"];
 105:             if (oldFilterFieldName != null)
 106:             {
 107:                 if (!oldFilterFieldName.Contains(fieldName))
 108:                 {
 109:                     base.Attributes["filterFieldName"] += ";" + fieldName;
 110:                 }
 111:             }
 112:             else
 113:             {
 114:                 base.Attributes.Add("filterFieldName", fieldName);
 115:             }
 117:             string fieldValue = data[1].Replace("%3b", ";").Replace("%25", "%");
 119:             string oldFilterExpression = Convert.ToString(ViewState["FilterExpression"]);
 120:             string newFilterExpression = "";
 121:             // if field is multi value we need to perform search using LIKE expression instead of "=" because
 122:             // multi values are displayed as single string
 123:             if (this.isMultipleValues(fieldName))
 124:             {
 125:                 newFilterExpression = String.Format("[{0}] LIKE '%{1}%'", fieldName, fieldValue);
 126:             }
 127:             else
 128:             {
 129:                 newFilterExpression = String.Format("[{0}] = '{1}'", fieldName, fieldValue);
 130:             }
 132:             if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(oldFilterExpression))
 133:             {
 134:                 if (oldFilterExpression.Contains(newFilterExpression))
 135:                 {
 136:                     newFilterExpression = oldFilterExpression;
 137:                 }
 138:                 // also we need to check that current filed name already exists in the old filter expression
 139:                 // with another filed value. We need to replace it with new value. Otherwise it will be possible to filter
 140:                 // within single column using several values. This is not OTB behavior. Sharepoint allows to select only one
 141:                 // field value per column
 142:                 else if (oldFilterExpression.Contains(string.Format("[{0}]", fieldName)))
 143:                 {
 144:                     string[] filters = oldFilterExpression.Split(new string[] { " AND " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
 145:                     filters = filters.Where(f => !f.Contains(string.Format("[{0}]", fieldName))).ToArray();
 146:                     if (filters.Length != 0)
 147:                     {
 148:                         newFilterExpression = String.Join(" AND ",
 149:                                                           new[] {String.Join(" AND ", filters), newFilterExpression});
 150:                     }
 151:                 }
 152:                 else
 153:                 {
 154:                     newFilterExpression = String.Join(" AND ",
 155:                                                   new [] { oldFilterExpression, newFilterExpression });
 156:                 }
 157:             }
 159:             return newFilterExpression;
 160:         }
 162:         private bool isMultipleValues(string fieldName)
 163:         {
 164:             try
 165:             {
 166:                 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.MultiValuesFields))
 167:                 {
 168:                     return false;
 169:                 }
 170:                 var multiValuesFields = this.MultiValuesFields.Split(new[] {","}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
 171:                 if (multiValuesFields.Length == 0)
 172:                 {
 173:                     return false;
 174:                 }
 175:                 return multiValuesFields.Any(t => t == fieldName);
 176:             }
 177:             catch
 178:             {
 179:                 return false;
 180:             }
 181:         }
 183:         private string GetValueAfterPrefix(string value, string prefix)
 184:         {
 185:             if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ||
 186:                  String.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix) ||
 187:                  !value.StartsWith(prefix))
 188:             {
 189:                 return null;
 190:             }
 192:             if (prefix.Length < value.Length)
 193:             {
 194:                 return value.Substring(prefix.Length);
 195:             }
 197:             return String.Empty;
 198:         }
 200:         #region IPostBackEventHandler Members
 202:         void IPostBackEventHandler.RaisePostBackEvent(string eventArgument)
 203:         {
 204:             string valueAfterPrefix = GetValueAfterPrefix(eventArgument, "__SPGridView__;");
 205:             if (valueAfterPrefix != null)
 206:             {
 207:                 string filterData = GetValueAfterPrefix(valueAfterPrefix, "__Sort__;");
 208:                 if (filterData == null)
 209:                 {
 210:                     filterData = GetValueAfterPrefix(valueAfterPrefix, "__Filter__;");
 211:                     if (filterData != null)
 212:                     {
 213:                         DoFilterPostBackEventProcessing(filterData);
 214:                     }
 215:                 }
 216:                 else
 217:                 {
 218:                     DoSortPostBackEventProcessing(filterData);
 219:                 }
 220:             }
 221:             else
 222:             {
 223:                 base.RaisePostBackEvent(eventArgument);
 224:             }
 225:         }
 227:         #endregion
 228:     }
 229: }

I will describe only differences from the Erik’s post. First of all I added MultiValuesFields property (line 19) – using this property you can tell to custom SPGridViewProxy control what values are really multi values and should be split into tokens. For our case we will specify MultiValuesFields=”Language”. However you can specify as many fields as you need here separated by comma.

Next check the line 84:

   1: base.Attributes["filterExpression"] = filterExpression;

We need to store actual filter expression in the attribute as it will be needed on client side in javascript.

Another change is lines 120-130. Here we make actual trick for multiple values fields. We check whether or not current field name corresponds to a field with multiple values (using MultiValuesFields property mentioned above). If yes – then instead of simple equal expression (“=”) we will use LIKE expression. E.g. if we select Finnish language then filter expression will be: [Language] LIKE ‘%Finnish%’. So our list item with Language = “English,Finnish,Russian,Sweden” will match this filter.

Next change on lines 138-150. Here I added functionality which restricts number of selected filtering values for single column by one value. This is how OTB SPGridView and XsltListViewWebForms work. However it is not very hard to expand it to several values per column and if you will need it – you can implement it by yourself.

The last change is isMultipleValues() function (lines 162-181). It just check whether or not specified field name exists in MultiValuesFields property of the control.

Now lets check client side of the solution:

   1: function ASPGridView_FilterPreMenuOpen(gridViewClientId, templateClientId, menuClientId, dataFieldName, e) {
   2:     var gridView = document.getElementById(gridViewClientId);
   3:     var callbackEventReference = gridView.getAttribute("callbackEventReference");
   4:     var callbackArgumentPrefix = gridView.getAttribute("callbackArgumentPrefix");
   5:     var postbackEventReference = gridView.getAttribute("postbackEventReference");
   6:     var filterFieldName = gridView.getAttribute("filterFieldName");
   7:     var filterFieldValue = gridView.getAttribute("filterFieldValue");
   9:     var filterCurrentlyOn = false;
  10:     if ((filterFieldName != null) &&
  11:         (filterFieldName.length > 0) &&
  12:         (filterFieldName.match(dataFieldName) != null)) 
  13:     {
  14:         filterCurrentlyOn = true;
  15:     }
  17:     var menuTemplate = document.getElementById(templateClientId);
  18:     var menuLink = document.getElementById(menuClientId);
  19:     if ((menuLink.getAttribute("suppressBubbleIfPostback") != null) &&
  20:         (e != null) && (e.srcElement != null) && 
  21:         (e.srcElement.href != null) &&
  22:         (e.srcElement.href.substr(0, MMU_postbackPrefix.length) == MMU_postbackPrefix)) 
  23:     {
  24:         event.cancelBubble = true;
  25:         return;
  26:     }
  27:     SPGridView_FixupFilterValuesFromMenuTemplate(menuTemplate, filterCurrentlyOn);
  28:     var menuItem = CAMOpt(menuTemplate, L_Loading_Text, "null");
  29:     menuItem.setAttribute("isFilterItem", "true");
  30:     menuItem.setAttribute("enabled", "false");
  31:     SPGridView_CallbackContext = new Object();
  32:     SPGridView_CallbackContext.gridViewClientId = gridViewClientId;
  33:     SPGridView_CallbackContext.templateClientId = templateClientId;
  34:     SPGridView_CallbackContext.menuClientId = menuClientId;
  35:     SPGridView_CallbackContext.dataFieldName = dataFieldName;
  36:     callbackEventReference = callbackEventReference.replace(/__CALLBACKARGUMENT__/g, dataFieldName);
  37:     callbackEventReference = callbackEventReference.replace(/__CALLBACKCONTEXT__/g, gridViewClientId + ";" + templateClientId + ";" + menuClientId + ";" + dataFieldName);
  38:     eval(callbackEventReference);
  39: }
  41: function Array_Contains(a, obj) {
  42:     for(var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
  43:         if(a[i] === obj) {
  44:             return true;
  45:         }
  46:     }
  47:     return false;
  48: }
  50: function ASPGridView_IsNullOrUndefined(val) {
  51:     return (val == null || typeof(val) == 'undefined');
  52: }
  54: function ASPGridView_IsValueInFilter(fieldName, fieldVal, filterExpression) {
  55:     if (ASPGridView_IsNullOrUndefined(fieldName) || ASPGridView_IsNullOrUndefined(fieldVal) ||
  56:         ASPGridView_IsNullOrUndefined(filterExpression)) {
  57:         return false;
  58:     }
  60:     fieldName = fieldName.toLowerCase();
  61:     fieldVal = fieldVal.toLowerCase();
  62:     filterExpression = filterExpression.toLowerCase();
  64:     var case1 = '[' + fieldName + "] = '" + fieldVal + "'";
  65:     var case2 = '[' + fieldName + "] like '%" + fieldVal + "%'";
  66:     return (filterExpression.indexOf(case1) != -1 || filterExpression.indexOf(case2) != -1);
  67: }
  69: function ASPGridView_FilterCallbackHandler(result, context) {
  70:     var values = context.split(';');
  71:     if (values.length != 4) { alert("ERROR: ASPGridView_FilterCallbackHandler() - values.length !=4"); return; }
  72:     var gridViewClientId = values[0];
  73:     var templateClientId = values[1];
  74:     var menuClientId = values[2];
  75:     var dataFieldName = values[3];
  76:     var gridView = document.getElementById(gridViewClientId);
  77:     if (gridView == null) { alert("ERROR: ASPGridView_FilterCallbackHandler() - gridView==null"); return; }
  78:     var menuTemplate = document.getElementById(templateClientId);
  79:     if (menuTemplate == null) { alert("ERROR: ASPGridView_FilterCallbackHandler() - menuTemplate==null"); return; }
  80:     var menu = document.getElementById(menuClientId);
  81:     if (menu == null) { alert("ERROR: ASPGridView_FilterCallbackHandler() - menu==null"); return; }
  82:     var postbackEventReference = gridView.getAttribute("postbackEventReference");
  83:     if ((postbackEventReference == null) || (postbackEventReference.length <= 0)) { alert("ERROR: ASPGridView_FilterCallbackHandler() - postbackEventReference is null or empty"); return; }
  84:     var filterFieldName = gridView.getAttribute("filterFieldName");
  85:     var filterFieldValue = gridView.getAttribute("filterFieldValue");
  86:     var filterExpression = gridView.getAttribute("filterExpression");
  88:     var filterCurrentlyOn = false;
  89:     if ((filterFieldName != null) &&
  90:         (filterFieldName.length > 0) &&
  91:         (filterFieldName.match(dataFieldName) != null)) {
  92:         filterCurrentlyOn = true;
  93:     }
  95:     SPGridView_FixupFilterValuesFromMenuTemplate(menuTemplate, filterCurrentlyOn);
  96:     values = result.split(';');
  98:     // collect unique values
  99:     var uniqueValues = new Array();
 100:     for (var valueIndex = 0; valueIndex < values.length; valueIndex++) {
 101:         var value = unescape(values[valueIndex]);
 102:         if (typeof (value) != 'undefined' && value != null) {
 103:             var multipleValues = value.split(','); // the same as used for joining TaxonomyFieldTypeMulti
 104:             if (typeof (multipleValues) != 'undefined' && multipleValues != null && multipleValues.length > 0) {
 105:                 for (var multiValueIndex = 0; multiValueIndex < multipleValues.length; multiValueIndex++) {
 106:                     var v = multipleValues[multiValueIndex];
 107:                     if (!Array_Contains(uniqueValues, v)) {
 108:                         uniqueValues.push(v);
 109:                     }
 110:                 }
 111:             }
 112:         }
 113:     }
 115:     // create menu items only for unique values
 116:     for (var valueIndex = 0; valueIndex < uniqueValues.length; valueIndex++) {
 117:         var value = unescape(uniqueValues[valueIndex]);
 118:         var script = postbackEventReference.replace(/__POSTBACKARGUMENT__/g, dataFieldName + ";" + value.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\").replace(/\'/g, "\\'").replace(/%/g, "%25").replace(/;/g, "%3b"));
 119:         var newMenuItem = CAMOpt(menuTemplate, value, script);
 120:         newMenuItem.setAttribute("isFilterItem", "true");
 121:         if (value == filterFieldValue || ASPGridView_IsValueInFilter(dataFieldName, value, filterExpression)) {
 122:             newMenuItem.setAttribute("checked", "true");
 123:         }
 124:     }
 125:     HideMenu(menuTemplate);
 126:     MMU_Open(menuTemplate, menu);
 127: }

Lets also check changes comparing with Erik’s solution. I added 3 helper functions: Array_Contains(), ASPGridView_IsNullOrEmpty() and ASPGridView_IsValueInFilter() (see lines 41-58). I didn’t want to use jquery here in order to avoid introducing dependencies on external libraries and in order to keep things as much easier to use as possible. Check line 86:

   1: var filterExpression = gridView.getAttribute("filterExpression");

Remember that I told you above that we need to store whole filter expression in the attributes collection in order to use it in javascript.

In lines 98-112 we split all multi values fields into single array of unique values. These values will be used for filter menu in lines 115-124. Note that on the line 121 we use ASPGridView_IsValueInFilter() in order to check selected filter values in the menu.

That’s how it works. Again thanks to Erik for his solution. I also realize that my solution is not ideal – and it contains its own problems (e.g. in javascript we split unique values for all fields regardless of is this field multi value or not). Howhever it works for our case. And I think it can be useful for your cases as well. Anyway if you will find any problems in it I will appreciate if you will share it in this post’s comments. And I will double appreciate if you will share solution for it as well :).